Pastor's Message
OUMC Food Pantry Needs
JAN = Canned Vegetables, Fruit Kleenex, Paper Towels
FEB = Peanut Butter or Jelly Children Toothpaste, Napkins
MAR = Canned Beans, Dry Beans Paper Plates, Lg & Sm
APR = Mac/Cheese/Boxed Dinners Applesauce, Goldfish Crackers
MAY = Canned Vegetables, Fruit Wash Clothes, Bath Towels
JUNE = Cereal, Dry or Canned Milk Dixie Cups, 9 oz & 5 oz
JULY = Pasta, Pasta Sauce Scotch Tape, Clothes Pins
AUG = Canned Meat Cotton Balls, Scratch Paper
SEPT = Canned Vegetables, Fruit Googly Eyes (Any Size)
OCT = Mac/Cheese, Any Boxed Dinner Sharpie/Dry Erase Markers
NOV = Apple Sauce Dish Cloths, Dish Towels
DEC = Oatmeal, Rice, Grits Kids Toothpaste, Napkins
You are not limited to the items listed above Thank you for your continued support
Buck a Bag Sale!
Buck a bag happens the 1st Saturday in April and, also, October. 8:00 am - Noon
Easter Planning
Each year, starting 2 Sunday’s before Easter, the congregation brings Lilies to adorn our alter. These Lilies are given in memory of friends and loved ones.
Supporting Our Troops
The UNITED WOMEN OF FAITH (fka United Methodist Women) will be sending packages in October to those in the Military serving outside the USA. We take donations for the boxes or monetary donations to cover the cost to ship. If you have a military person you would like added to our list, please email .